Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Kindergarten Flowers


I am desperately trying to scare away the snow in north east Pennsylvania!
No luck!

Kindergarten created simple flower images as an intro to painting class this past week. 
We began with a large, simple design for a reason!  Their little puppy-paws have trouble painting small spaces and their frustration gets the best of them. 

First, we drew our design directly with a brush and black paint.  The next class, we moved between colorful tempera paint stations.

Concentra Award-Winning Video Journalism


At the DNA 2008 conference the winner of the Concentra 10,000-Euro prize for solo video journalism was announced tonight. The winner was Idar Eduin Krogstad, from NRK Østafjells (Norway). His winning piece, entitled "Night Watch", is a look at the lives of nurses at a nursing home and can be seen on the Concentra site.

Krogstad holds his statue of Tin Tin the Belgian comic hero as he accepts the award:

The US Elections as a World of Warcraft campaign

McCain: [talking to his Campaign advisers] OK guys, this Obama character has given us a lot of trouble in the past, so here’s what we’ll do:

I'll run in, and use Intimidating Shout, to kinda get everyone’s attention. Then I’ll try a couple of Mocking Blows and a Demoralizing Shout. That should do it.

I’m hoping for some Divine Intervention, because if we can’t bring these guys in quick we'll be in trouble. Uhh, I think this is a pretty good plan, we should be able to pull it off this time. Uhh, what do you think Weaver? Can you give me a number crunch real quick?

Weaver: Yeah gimme a sec... I'm coming up with sixty-two point six six uh, repeating of course, percentage, of winning.

McCain: Well, that’s great. Uhh, alright, you think we're ready guys? [interrupted]

: Alright, chums, let's do this... SAAAARRRRRRRRRAAHHHH PAAALLLLLLLLLLLIIIINNN! [runs into room full of press]

-Short pause-

: ... Oh my God she just ran in.

: Oh jeez, who knows what she’s going to say. Stick to the plan guys. Stick to the plan!

: I can see Russia from my house!

: What the—what the hell?

: Bail out? Health care reform! Tax payers... Job creation!

: Shut up – backfire has been cast; you’re just hurting yourself!

: We got em, we got em! I got it, I got it. I'm going to be VP - I own this place!

: Shut her up! Someone!

: Goddamnit Sarah! Goddamn it...

[Various others]
: Yeah, Sarah you moron, Sarah!

: Listen, this is ridiculous.

: You dumbass.

: I'm down, McCain down. I’m down 5 points Goddamnit. Why do you do this shit, Sarah?

[crying]: It's not my fault!

: Oh for - Great job! Sarah, you are just stupid as hell.

: At least I have a new $150 000 wardrobe.

Class in Great Britain circa 1814

Loretta reports:

Some nutty commentary during the recent royal wedding made it clear that the British class structure confuses most Yanks.  While the U.S. has socioeconomic classes and the associated prejudices, it's a different species.

Here’s the British social structure as Patrick Colquhoun analyzed it in 1814.  The figures at the end of each class indicate (1) total heads of families, and (2) total everyone else in the category.  Does anything here make you say, "Hmmmm"? 
1ST.  The Royal Family, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal the Great Officers of State, and all above the degree of a Baronet, with their families.....  
576 — 2,880

2nd.  Baronets, Knights, Country Gentlemen, and others having large incomes, with their families.....48,861— 234,305

3rd.  Dignified Clergy, Persons holding considerable employments in the state, elevated situations in the Law, eminent Practitioners in Physic, considerable Merchants, Manufacturer upon a large scale, and Bankers of the first order, with their families.....12,200 — 61,000

4th.  Persons holding inferior situations in Church and State, respectable Clergymen of different persuasions, Practitioners in Law and Physic, Teachers of Youth of the superior order, respectable Freeholders, Ship Owners, Merchants and Manufacturers of the second class, Warehousemen and respectable Shopkeepers, Artists, respectable Builders, Mechanics, and Persons living on moderate incomes, with their families.....233,650 — 1,168,250

5th.  Lesser Freeholders.  Shopkeepers of the second order, Innkeepers, Publican’s, and Persons engaged in miscellaneous occupations or living on moderate incomes, with their families.....     564,799 — 2,798,475

6th.  Working Mechanics, Artisans, Handicrafts, Agricultural Labourers, and others who subsist by labour in various employments, with their families.....                                                               2,126,095 — 8,792,800

7th.  Paupers and their families, Vagrants, Gipsies, Rogues, Vagabonds, and idle and disorderly persons, supported by criminal delinquency.....387,100 — 1,826,170

Officers of the Army, Navy, and Marines, including all Officers on half-pay and superannuated, with their families.....               10,500 — 69,000

Non-commissioned Officers in the Army, Navy, and Marines, Soldiers, Seamen, and Marines, including Pensioners of the Army, Navy, &c. and their families.....                                             120,000 — 862,000

—Patrick Colquhoun, A treatise on the wealth, power, and resources of the British empire, 1814.

Upper left:  Thomas Lawrence, The Prince Regent, 1816.
Lower right:  Thomas Rowlandson, Seaman.


type='html'>I dag har det vært kjølig med en del vind, så det er blitt gjort lite arbeid i hagen. Men det har vært en fin dag å prikle på, ettersom det kan gjøres inne. Nå har ikke jeg sådd mange stauder i år, og av de få er det heller ikke mange frø som har spirt, men det var på tide å prikle de største spirene.

Ekte lavendel, som skal ha hvite blomster; seks spirer. De var robuste og lette å prikle.

Today came with chilly and windy weather, so I did not do much work around the garden. But it was a good day for repotting seedlings, which can be done indoors. I only sowed a few perennial varieties this year, of which only some have germinated, but it was about time to repot the largest seedlings into single pots.

This is lavender with white flowers; six seedlings. They were strong and easy to repot.

Og så var det dette sammensuriet da. Løvehale (Leonurus cardiaca). En hel drøss spirer, tett vevd sammen. Glad jeg ikke ventet lenger med å ta for meg denne potten.

And it was also time to deal with this pot. Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca). Lots of seedlings, weaved closely toghether.

Jeg priklet med hård hånd. Tidligere har jeg pottet om hver eneste ørlille spire, men det gikk ikke her. Jeg plukket ut de med kraftigst blader. Da 45 spirer var pottet om var jordposen tom, og jeg tror 45 småplanter er greit.

I picked out the largest seedling and planted them in single pots. After having repotted 45 seedling I run out of soil, but I think that's a good amount of seedlings.

Ellers har nå alle fem sådde frø av agurken 'Euphya' spirt. Så raskt, det er kjempebra :) Men enda ingen spiring hos de andre agurk-frøene.

All five cucumber 'Euphya' have sprouted now. Very fast, that is so nice :) But no sprouting yet of the seeds of the other cucumber variety.

Ha en fin helg med masse sol :-)

Have a nice and sunny weekend :-)

Patalkot - the bottom of the Earth

We were traveling in a hired vehicle from Raipur to Pachhmarhi via Chhindwara in Madhya Pradesh (India). After a drive of about 62 km's. on a plateu like terrain, we came across a sign board on the right side of the road reading "Patalkot". We were reminded of the people living in the bottom of the earth and indeed it was!. We alighted from the van and saw an extremely deep gorge surrounded by high mountain ranges. The place looked heavenly beautiful and scenic. In a way the formation resembled the great canyons of the Americas. But it was not barren. There was plenty of greenery. All of us climbed down carefully using the stairs provided but when we reached the bottom of the 3000 feet cliff, we were told that we need to walk for about 3 km's to reach the nearest human habitat. Since we were required to reach Pachhmarhi the same evening, we found our way up with a heavy heart.
There were people standing near our vehicle to greet us. We then spoke to them and learnt many things about the place. We also supplemented ourselves with additional information about the wonderful place and now we share it. Here it goes..
Deep in the valley, in an area around 79 square km's, there are tribal hamlets in 12 villages situated approximately at a distance of 2 km's apart. The inhabitants are tribal of Bharia and Gond denominations. They are above 2000 in number and solely depend on the mother earth for their livelihood. The vegetation in the valley is more akin to the tropical forests. The Doodh river which flows inside the valley lends grace to the terrain.
The important aspect of the flora and fauna is its bio diversity and abundance of rare plant species, medicinal plants and herbs. The inhabitants are skilled at using the forest plants and herbs to make effective medicines for every known ailment. The Bhumkas who provide health care in the hamlets have inherited the divine knowledge from their ancestors. However, the modern world was completely unaware of the existence of Patalkot and the people of the valley had an isolated existence until recently. Now there are increasing threats of deforestation and exploitation of the people.
The State Government has formed a Patalkot Development Agency which has been entrusted with the responsibility of welfare of the tribals. A middle school, primary health centre and veterinary services have now been made available. Self Help Groups have also been formed for the effective use of forest produce. Pure vegetarian Honey which comes out of Patalkot is really something to relish.

Incidentally, we may add here that one Dr. Deepak Acharya, a research scholar, who hails from that area, has been engaging himself in understanding, protecting and preserving the unique bio-diversity and the traditional knowledge of medication of the adivasis (Ethnobotany). Clicking the highlighted words will lead you to the respective sites.

Reports suggest that out of greed, a cartel of traders is active in the area and are engaging themselves in smuggling out the rare herbs and medicinal plants which are even being exported abroad. Their activities, unless checked, may lead to further deforestation and loss of the unique bio-diversity found in the valley.
Here is a video of Patalkot. Please do listen to the drum beats at the end.

Photos: Dr.Deepak Acharya हिन्दी में यहाँ देखें