I'll run in, and use Intimidating Shout, to kinda get everyone’s attention. Then I’ll try a couple of Mocking Blows and a Demoralizing Shout. That should do it.
I’m hoping for some Divine Intervention, because if we can’t bring these guys in quick we'll be in trouble. Uhh, I think this is a pretty good plan, we should be able to pull it off this time. Uhh, what do you think Weaver? Can you give me a number crunch real quick?
Weaver: Yeah gimme a sec... I'm coming up with sixty-two point six six uh, repeating of course, percentage, of winning.
McCain: Well, that’s great. Uhh, alright, you think we're ready guys? [interrupted]
Palin: Alright, chums, let's do this... SAAAARRRRRRRRRAAHHHH PAAALLLLLLLLLLLIIIINNN! [runs into room full of press]
-Short pause-
Schmidt: ... Oh my God she just ran in.
McCain: Oh jeez, who knows what she’s going to say. Stick to the plan guys. Stick to the plan!
Palin: I can see Russia from my house!
McCain: What the—what the hell?
Palin: Bail out? Health care reform! Tax payers... Job creation!
Salter: Shut up – backfire has been cast; you’re just hurting yourself!
Palin: We got em, we got em! I got it, I got it. I'm going to be VP - I own this place!
Schmidt: Shut her up! Someone!
McCain: Goddamnit Sarah! Goddamn it...
[Various others]: Yeah, Sarah you moron, Sarah!
McCain: Listen, this is ridiculous.
Salter: You dumbass.
McCain: I'm down, McCain down. I’m down 5 points Goddamnit. Why do you do this shit, Sarah?
Palin [crying]: It's not my fault!
McCain: Oh for - Great job! Sarah, you are just stupid as hell.
Palin: At least I have a new $150 000 wardrobe.