Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Cool Tools contest winner

Extrude the Light: Britons Make 3D "Holograms" With The iPad
By John Biggs
Making Future Magic: iPad light painting from Dentsu London on Vimeo. I know you were hoping for some real Help me, Obiwan Kenobi ...
CrunchGear -
Cinematical Seven: 7 Video Games That Could Make Great Movies ...
By Jessica Barnes
Disney's 'Prince of Persia' is hitting DVD shelves this week, and while the latest addition to the history of perfectly serviceable video game flick.
Cinematical -
Phys Ed: Can Exercise Make Kids Smarter? -
From an evolutionary point of view, the finding in both studies make perfect sense. What we call exercise today was the way of life for our ancestors. Our lives have changed drastically in the last few decades and our kids spend much of ...
Well -
How computer games make us better people | memeburn
By Matthew Buckland
Games can change who we think we really are: Studies have shown that having an attractive avatar in a virtual world game, such as Second Life, can make "you more confident in real-life". The findings show that this improved a person's ...
memeburn -
Make: Online : Hand lights — Cool Tools contest winner
By Gareth Branwyn
Cool Tools ran a DIY Contest. The winner was Steve Hoefer and his.
MAKE Magazine -